How to Wear: Black Jeans

When you picture a pair of jeans, you probably think of something blue. That’s what I would picture too, but there is another whole category of jeans with black and gray tones that equally deserves a spot in your outfit rotation.

It might not be the first pair you buy, but black jeans are surprisingly versatile and offer a ton of other ways to wear the shirts, sweaters, and jackets already in your closet. Black jeans have the bonus of being able to be dressed up to a level that their indigo cousins can’t go. That’s why we recommend everyone add a pair of black jeans to their wardrobe. Here are some of our thoughts on how to wear your new pair of black jeans:



There are a few different ways to choose the colors of your black jean outfit. Any of the below are great choices.


All neutrals go with all other neutrals, and some of the best outfits with black jeans feature a neutral on top. A light gray sweater, a white oxford or t-shirt, even tan or cream colored clothes go well. One of our favorite black denim outfits is combining your black jeans with a blue denim shirt!

Pop Colors

Another option is to find a sweater or shirt that has a bit of a pop color in it (think bright red or yellow). It’s probably best if the whole shirt isn’t that color, but a red or yellow plaid flannel could make a great choice.


For a slightly more advanced option, a modern and somewhat trendy look is to mix another black or dark top with your black jeans. This should be done intentionally (a hard concept to define in fashion), but a black sweatshirt or even t-shirt can go great with black jeans.



There are two distinct ways to wear your jeans, and this will be dictated by two things:

  1. The amount of wash on your jeans. If they look a bit faded, they are probably best worn casually. That means you shouldn’t wear them for a Friday date night unless you’re going to play laser-tag or something.

  2. The shirt or sweater you decide to wear. If you wear a button-up shirt or even a sweater, it’s best to keep the outfit dressed up. This means nicer shoes like boots, derbies, or even a clean leather sneaker. If you decide to wear with a t-shirt, feel free to choose a more casual shoe – any type of sneaker will do.

If you’re rocking a casual outfit, grab a lightweight bomber jacket, CPO jacket, or even shirt jacket to complete the look. If you like hats, that works too, but you don’t have to.

If you’re dressing it up a bit, a longer coat like a wool topcoat or even a chore coat can be a great look. A light gray, tan, olive, or even black coat are all great choices. It’s probably best to avoid navy.



By now you know if your outing calls for a casual or more dressed-up look. The right pair of shoes will complete the outfit. If you’re headed out to a casual setting, feel free to grab any pair of sneakers or even boots. Most colors will work great, even brown.

If instead your heading somewhere a bit dressier, a pair of black, brown, or even tan derbies will be great, or if it’s the right season (Fall/Winter/Spring), throw on a pair of boots – lace-ups or Chelseas are great choices!

Don’t forget to match your socks with your jeans - so choose something darker!


We think black jeans can increase the number of outfits in your closet by 10-fold and we hope this guide has shown you how.

If you want personal recommendations for black jeans tuned to your fit, size, and style, sign-up for a free account with On Brand. We’d love to help you not only find your next pair of black jeans but also help you find many different outfits to go with them!


How to Wear: Turtlenecks


How to Wear: Denim and Chambray Shirts